Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hi everyone...
This is my first blog..its based on citizen journalism, censorship and freedom of speech with specific examples and a supporting please feel free to share all your thoughts and opinions..hope u enjoy :)

My definition of citizen journalism:
Citizen journalism is the active role that citizens play in the process of collecting, reporting and analysing information. The idea behind citizen journalism is that people without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology to create their own opinions, which can also be collaborated with other peoples opinions. Citizens therefore have the chance to create global conversations about certain topics whilst other people can also comment and state their own thoughts. News corporations now actively encourage citizens to submit videos, images sound files etc to their stations, which therefore enables the average citizen to create news and distribute it globally.

I found a quote today which i thought resembled citizen said "Don't reflect the community, be the community". I think that just because somebody doesn’t have the necessary qualifications to become a journalist doesn’t mean they cant be part of collecting information to share with the public. The simple fact that someone is a witness to an event may just be enough to qualify him or her to share it with the world!

There is some controversy over the term citizen journalism, because many professional journalists believe that only a trained journalist can understand the rights and ethics involved in reporting the news. However, there are also many trained journalists who are participating in citizen journalism by writing their own blogs or commentary online, which is outside of traditional journalism standards.

I think journalists should be able to participate in citizen journalism as they are entitled to the same rights as everybody else!

What do you think???
Do you think anyone should have the right to report about what they want?

Participants of citizen journalism:
There have also been people who have gone against the news so they therefore have reported it from their own thoughts. However this can either be negative or positive as there can be citizens who report from their own opinion which can offend other people. During the Iraq war, citizens living in Baghdad used blogs to report about horrific events that happened.

For example, a man by the name of Dahn Jamail didn't like the mainstream coverage about the Iraq war so he went out and reported it himself, Jamail has now made four trips to Iraq as an independent American reporter.

Below is a video which displays Dahr Jamail's opinions and images which convey the reality of the Iraq war....Please share all thoughts and opinions!

Reading: Censors come calling, Murray L, 2006, p.g 1
The article explores how the internet has provided sites for people to express their thoughts opinions and ideas on a variety of issues. However in certain countries freedom of speech is banned and many people are punished for their own opinions. According to Murray 2006, p. 1, China employs 30,000 internet censors to track down dissidents and block unauthorised websites. So far, more than 60 online journalists and bloggers have been jailed. For example phrases such as “Tiananmen Square” will be redirected to a “host not found” website, or worse their computer will freeze for 30 minutes! There are many other countries that also are imply strict regulations in regards to websites, these countries include Iran, Libya. Tunisia ect. Most of these countries have introduced internet filters which block banned websites.

HOWEVER……there is ways that we can help to reduce the internet censorship in countries like China.... The CICI (pronounced chi-chi) is one of three online gadgets created by Amnesty International Australia as part of a campaign for human rights and specifically for an end to internet repression in China.

During the build up to the Beijing Olympic Games, some websites which were previously inaccessible, have become wholly or partly accessible. The CICI will test these and other sites throughout 2008, to monitor and report on changes in internet censorship in China. Amnesty International will use the information collected to pressure the Chinese authorities so they don't revert to their former ways.

Get involved and help internet censorship in China:Everyone with a website, blog or facebook profile can get involved by displaying a CICI badge on their website, blog or profile. You can get your badge from the following website: So if this is something that concerns you get involved and help reduce the internet censorship in China.

Hope you guys enjoyed my blog...remember to be honest and share what you think about my thoughts and opinions!

Sunday, October 19, 2008